
Azure Standard
Placing an order with Azure Standard is simple. Just go to their website and sign up. List Klamath Basin Co-Op as your drop point, fill up your cart, check out, and pick up your order during the pick up times listed on the home page of this website. You will get a confirmation email from Azure Standard and they will notify the co-op. You will get reminder emails before your order deadlines each month and before pick up. We are happy to have you join Klamath Basin Co-Op.




Modifying placed orders:
Azure Standard has made modifying your order so simple with their new website. now you only have to check out 1 time. when you need to add an item or remove an item, your order is automotically modified! no more checking out ten times! it should save us all from forgetting to finalize orders at the last minute. 


Basin Co-op Information & Policy


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